The ministry will propose amendments to five laws to make it easier for foreigners to work here.
Good news .... but I think foreigners in this article only refers to people from other ASEAN countries...
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The 1975 Labour Relations Act and the 2000 State Enterprise Labour Relations Act will be amended to provide foreign workers with welre and labour rights, such as the right to form their own unions.
The Labour Ministry is freeing up the labour market to allow more foreigners to work here, in line with the regional free market which comes into effect in three years.
Mr Singhadet urged Thais to improve their skills to compete with their foreign counterparts. He said Southeast Asian countries need workers in the information technology and automotive fields.
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The 2002 Labour Skill Development Act will also change so skill development services cover foreign workers.
Discussion 1 : 20/01/2012 at 09:26 AM
As a foreigner, I highly approve! It was a sad day when the coup government banned us foreigners from owning businesses in Thailand, so I hope that law is also amended soon.
About time, very good news i would rather work here in radiology than elsewhere. It will also help the thai poeple to speak and understand english better. In the jobs mentioned i am sure that they will also allow western trained, and western people to apply also.This also may cut down corruption in said services.
He said free movement of workers in the region will begin with eight professions, including doctors, nurses, engineers and other skilled workers.
hairdressing jobs Bangkok Post : Ministry opens job market, shairdressing jobs Bangkok Post : Ministry opens job market, social security to foreignersocial security to foreigners,Education college information Singhadet Chu-amnat, director of the ministrys Bureau of Coordination for International Cooperation, said the changes were in line with the free labour market which would come into effect when the Asean Economic Community (AEC) emerges in 2015.
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Finally, the 1990 Social Security Act will be amended to expand social security hairdressing jobsservices to cover foreign workers.
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Discussion 3 : 20/01/2012 at 11:35 AM
Discussion 2 : 20/01/2012 at 09:47 AM
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Bangkok police yesterday took a gamble on finding an illegal casino featuring topless hostesses in Sai Mai district but ended up with a losing hand.
The 2008 Alien Work Act will be changed to allow foreigners to take 147 job titles. The law, which gives Thais sole right to work in more than 39 jobs, including hairdressing, wood carving, gem cutting and as tour guides, will be amended to allow foreigners to compete for the same jobs.
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He encouraged Thais to learn English and the languages of other Southeast Asian nations. Mr Singhadet will propose the formation of an Asean labour division under his bureau to prepare Thais for free movement of labour under the AEC.
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